"A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie."
The challenge is to distract yourself long enough to keep your mouth from watering.
Although I enjoy my job as a stay at home mom, I always find myself short in the qualities it truly takes to succeed. We're not talking about being uneccessarily hard on yourself. We're talking about bread and butter-- the simple logistics of what it takes to succeed as a family, and even as an individual.
Mom hereby announces that she is in the middle of a battle of selflessness, having chosen the road of least resistance too much to win easily. I am on the uphill, but luckily God is on my side.
Micah and Levi are growing in so many ways, and are our livelihood. Micah just turned 3. We would have some posted some pictures of his birthday party, but he slept through the whole thing. Poor kid wasn't feeling well. At least his guests had a good time. We saved him a piece of cake, and of course he enjoyed his presents upon waking.
Levi is 1 and going strong. He's a tough little critter, but loves to nuzzle in soft blankets. Noah and I have a running bet as to when he is going to outweigh Micah, but haven't decided on the jackpot yet. He loves to follow and play with his brother, and especially to sit right in the middle of the action. If I'm reading, he comes to sit on me. If Micah's digging, he tries to sit in his lap. If there is a toy, he'll get right on top. It's pretty funny, but I try to guide him towards respecting other people's space.
Micah is becoming a deep sea diver. He can get breaths of air and dive down to retrieve quarters, a Leatherman, or whatever else Daddy has decided to throw in the water. Levi loves the water too, and can hold his breath and float a little.
Speaking of which, Levi is crying. I'll have to continue this later.