September is here, along with school, hurricane Katrina, playgroup, and swimming. Swim skills might seem an odd addition for this time of year, but in South Florida the water's perfect.
Micah's biggest and most amazing accomplishment this week is his new found ability to get air after swimming under water. He watched another little girl do it and has somehow managed to teach himself. I think it's pretty common for kids to teach themselves once they get to a certain level of skill. I have to admit I'm proud of him, but he does all the work now! We hope that he'll be able to float at length and decently master survival skills by the end of the swim season.
Some friends and I recently started a playgroup that meets weekly. We are working out of a book called "Slow and Steady, Get Me Ready," and doing other activities. It's nice because we rotate houses. Every week a different mom hosts, plans activities, and provides lunch. There are four of us so far. And that's where Micah took swimming notes!
All the talk here is about New Orleans, and I'm learning a lot. It's interesting to learn about the separations of federal and state government, and how that comes into play at a time like this. I have a great Aunt who lived in the city, and is now displaced. It's a difficult time for everyone.
I'm finally teaching outside of my graduate degree. I got a job teaching 2 composition classes at Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU). It's turned out surprisingly well. I go to work 2 mornings a week, and Noah watches the boys. They do great with him, and it's good for me to get away for a little while. I also learn quite a bit myself as I plan my lessons and teach. I feel like a student again!
Levi is the smiliest, happiest little boy. He is so easygoing and loves his family. Micah is learning how to be a big brother. Tonight we had another 5 month old little boy over, and Micah was very affectionate. He went up behind little Elijah and put his arms around him. Later he gave him a hug, and then transferred that to Levi, hugging him too. I really hope the boys will play as they get older! Micah asks every person who comes over to come and play with the legos or train set!
Noah just reminded me that blogs are supposed to be short. Well, next time :)
1 comment:
I enjoyed reading all about what you are doing! Levi has changed since we saw him. Both your boys are precious. Tell your mom and sister I said hi!
Love to you all,
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